FHE Idea OR could use for YW or YM lesson: The Priesthood Umbrella
Talks: Do We Know What We Have? by Carole Stephens and Power in the Priesthood by Neil L. Anderson
Her lesson came from the talks above. Sister Neilson put two columns on the board to discuss the priesthood. Sisters were able to contribute to the lesson by offering their comments on the information below.
We need (1st Column)
Baptism --it's a new beginning to be clean
Gift of the Holy Ghost -- will attend when we are righteous.
Receive the temple endowment
The sealing ordinances -- can receive the highest degree of glory
Renew covenants each week--taking the sacrament
Priesthood was not given to men to bless their lives but to bless others. She quoted from Anderson, "A man may open the drapes so the warm sunlight comes into the room, but the man does not own the sun or the light or the warmth it brings. The blessings of the priesthood are infinitely greater than the one who is asked to administer the gift."
Priesthood Blessings are for All (2nd Column)
1, What we know about the priesthood
2. We are are alike and can share the same blessings if we are obedient.
3. From the beginning -- the priesthood was known how to be administered.
Then Sister Neilson referenced from the footnotes from Elder Ballard. He stated: “Why are men ordained to priesthood offices and not women? President Gordon B. Hinckley explained that it was the Lord, not man, ‘who designated that men in His Church should hold the priesthood’ and that it was also the Lord who endowed women with ‘capabilities to round out this great and marvelous organization, which is the Church and kingdom of God’ (“Women of the Church,” Ensign, Nov. 1996, 70). When all is said and done, the Lord has not revealed why He has organized His Church as He has.”
(click the picture to take you to a link from a talk from Sheri Dew about the priesthood)
4. Many gifts from God--We know that the power of the holy priesthood does not work independently of faith, the Holy Ghost, and spiritual gifts.
5. Worthiness--We know that worthiness is central to performing and receiving priesthood ordinances.
6. Humility --man must be humble to give blessings
7. The keys of the priesthood--Here's a short story from the talk:
We do not determine the callings we receive.24
I learned this lesson early in my marriage. As a young couple, my wife,
Kathy, and I lived in Florida. One Sunday a counselor in the stake
presidency explained to me that they felt impressed to call Kathy as an
early-morning seminary teacher.
“How will we do it?” I asked. “We have small children, seminary begins at 5:00 a.m., and I am the ward Young Men president.”
The counselor smiled and said, “It will be OK, Brother Andersen. We will call her, and we will release you.”
And that is what happened.
She ran out of time for the rest. Great lesson!
Hymn 264: Hark, All Ye Nations!