Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Genealogy, I am doing it!

This week we were able to hear from Sister Shirley Piquet about Genealogy and the importance of doing the work for our dead.

This is a hard lesson to sum up in a simple blog post. But that doesn't mean it isn't important. She shared a poem with us that I thought was powerful.
I am just a card in a pile of cards
You may think of me just as a name,
But I have lived on earth the same as you
But my chances were not just the same.
I cannot do my own work on earth
How can you mortals be so at ease?
Please drop your work for half a day
And get me those precious keys.
That treasured card there in that pile
Should move you mortals to tears,
I have waited and longed for this day to come
For more than a hundred years.
If you take my name through the Temple today
Pay strict attention, please.
I have waited so long, so don't fail to get
A single one of my keys.
We are blessed to have the gospel in our lives at this time and to be able to attend the Temple for ourselves. Now it is our duty and honor to be able to go to the temple for those who could not go themselves and to do their work.
Many years ago I was able to go to the Logan Temple and be proxy for my Great Grandma Catherine to have her sealed to her husband. I was honored to do this, not only because she is my relative, but because I bear her name. I hope that I have done her name and her proud by this act of joining her and her spouse for eternity!
There are many resources available to us for family history. Starting June 1st, My Heritage and Ancestory.com will be free to all members. (they are making it easier and easier for us! No excuses ladies!)
You can go to Rootsmagic and put in your own record that is private and only you can access.
Kathy Register passed out these booklets to us all, so we can get started on our personal history for our children.

After our lesson a friend posted this and I applied it to genealogy. They will help us with our/their work. We are not doing this alone and our ancestors want these promises, they are going to do all they can to get them, even if it means bopping us on our heads to get us moving and to get it done.
As a final and fun note, Trisha Martin posted this website that will tell you people you are related too. It may be distant, but they are our kin folk! Use your LDS.org sign in to access it. I did it and was amazed. I am related to not only David Bednar but Boyd K. Packer and Joseph Smith. Who'dathunk it!

For any questions, contact Shirley Piquet and or Kathy Register. Both would be more than  happy to get you started on your family history!

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