Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ward Conference Combined...

President Poston drew circles on the board. The first inner circle represented faith. Then the next circle represented hope. Finally, the last outer circle represented peace. If you want to increase your hope and peace, your faith needs to increase. Faith in Jesus Christ will yield greater peace and greater hope. 

How can I increase my faith in Jesus Christ? Here are some ways (not all):

1.    Pray
2.    Attend the temple
3.    Exercise obedience


Putting our trust in the Lord’s hands will yield yourself to Him. Paul said that faith comes from hearing the word of God. Here are three ways that you can hear the words of God.

1.    Through the words of the prophets.
2.    Scripture
3.    Personal revelation

In Doctrine and Covenants Section 9, it discusses how the spirit of revelation is important. Pres. Poston said that it was great to have the spirit of revelation because some of us may have our personal partings of the Red Sea. We need personal revelation so we can cross through on dry ground. 

In Doctrine and Covenants Section 21: 4-5, it says that we need to have patience and faith. He also said that we should not let one day pass in showing obedience by reading the scriptures. Reading the scriptures will increase our faith. 

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