Monday, April 21, 2014

Lesson 8: The Church and Kingdom of God

“Let all men know assuredly that this is the Lord’s Church and he is directing its affairs. What a privilege it is to have membership in such a divine institution!”

We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Not the Mormon or LDS church, but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Those other names have a place and time, but we need to make sure people know the real name of our church.

We have been promised we will never have to go through an apostacy, the Church will never be taken from the earth again.

D&C 65: 1-6 Missionaries are taking that rock and keeping it rolling. The rock (work) is rolling, we need to decide if we are going to hop on it or let it pass us by.

Every member is a missionary: The internet opens up the gospel or gives us the opportunity to share it on a bigger level and get the gospel out to more people.

In this dispensation, the Gospel can literally be in every nation today. It can be throughout the world.

The lesson also talked about service. The first and great commandment is to Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and the second is like unto it: Love thy neighbors as thyself.

How does service help us:
Provides happiness
Heart Enlarges
Understanding of Christ
See others as Christ sees them

We should seek to find opportunities for quiet service, the rewards will be eternal and the service is its own reward.

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