Monday, April 21, 2014

Goings On

Amy Taylor has posted information on the ward facebook page about an upcoming order for Walton Feed group. She does have hard copies if anyone needs them. This is a fabulous opportunity she has worked out for us to add to our food storage. Please contact her with any questions or if you need a paper copy of the order form. She will need money by April 30th. Thanks Amy for looking out for all of us!

If you didn't get your Books of Faith, we now have the copies. Talk to Natalie about getting yours. Also, they had a late entry for the book and thought it was worth adding in, so they have printed it out and have provided it as an insert. Make sure you get  your copy if you didn't on Sunday.

Tatum is still needing some help getting her kids to and from their activities. If you are willing to help out, please contact Paula Taylor.

Next Sunday is Ward Conference, the 27th.
Bishop Bryant has challenged us to make this a week of service. To reach out to those around us and to notice who might need served. Look for the quiet acts of service that you can do.

Thursday the 24th, the Relief Society presidency will be making visits to those sisters that have trouble getting out to church. If you are interested in going with them, let someone in the presidency know.

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