Monday, April 7, 2014

General Conference

This weekend we were blessed to have been able to watch General Conference. Don't you just love having the opportunity to listen to the words of our prophets and apostles?! It is such an awesome privalage we have to hear them, and to live so close. In my stage of life, where I still have little kids around, it is difficult to hear all of conference. I can get the 2 older to sit for most with coloring or other things, but my baby is just wild! So, I have asked for everyone's favorite quote from Conference for those of us, who might have missed something. Here goes:
Natalie Kraus:

Saw this one posted on many facebook pages, including:

 Kristie Marshall, Ali Brown and Linda Tapp.
JoAnne Reese Posted these 2.
Kristie Marshall also shared this one.
Sue Parrett
 Danielle Bogard and Kerri Lindstrom
"There is no physical pain, no spiritual wound, no anguish of soul or heartache, no infirmity or weakness you or I ever confront in mortality that the Savior did not experience first." Elder David A. Bednar
Have anymore wonderful quotes to add?

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