Thursday, April 16, 2015

Chapter 7 -- from the President Benson manual

“Joseph Smith, the latter-day Prophet, was an instrument in the hands of the Lord in opening a new gospel dispensation, the last and greatest of all gospel dispensations.”

Taken from the lesson that Sister Darling gave on Sunday from the manual.

Elder Ezra Taft Benson served as a full-time missionary in England in the early 1920s. 
He said, “we had a group of people out at South Shields Branch who were very faithful and very devoted and very loyal, and they had invited my companion and me to come over and speak in their sacrament meeting. They said, ‘Many of our neighbors don’t believe the lies that are being printed. If you will come, we will fill the little chapel.’

So he went over the little chapel to talk about apostasy. Here is what he said, "“We went over to the little chapel and it was filled. Everyone was happy. And after the opening exercises my companion spoke, then I spoke with a freedom I had never enjoyed in all my life. And when I sat down and looked at my watch, I had talked twenty-five minutes, and I hadn’t mentioned the apostasy, I hadn’t even thought of the apostasy. I had talked about Joseph Smith, and I had borne witness that he was a prophet of God and I knew it. I told about the coming forth of theBook of Mormon as a new witness for Christ, and I had borne testimony. When I realized what had happened, I couldn’t hold back the tears."

Some said that they could accept that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.

The manual said, "Above all, President Benson regularly bore a firm and powerful testimony to his fellow Saints. “Joseph Smith was a prophet of the Living God,” he declared, “one of the greatest prophets that has ever lived upon the earth. He was the instrument in God’s hand in ushering in a great gospel dispensation, the greatest ever, and the last of all in preparation for the second coming of the Master."

President Benson continued to find opportunities throughout his life to share his witness of Joseph Smith’s calling.

1. Joseph Smith’s First Vision was the greatest event in this world since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The reason why this event is the greatest is because it shows Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as two distinct personages. 

" This restoration of the gospel, the bringing back of light and truth, is intended for the benefit and blessing of all God’s children. And so, humbly and gratefully, our missionaries go out into the world to proclaim that there has been an apostasy from the truth, but that through the goodness of God the heavens have again been opened and the gospel revealed unto man through Joseph Smith, the Prophet."

I saw this link on another website. If you have not yet received a testimony of the first vision, here is how to help you with that. click me. 

2. Consistent with New Testament prophecy, Joseph Smith received new revelation and angelic visitations.

President Benson said,  "Our solemn testimony is that this angelic messenger appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the early nineteenth century. This announcement that an angel from God appeared to a prophet in our times is entirely consistent with the prophecies of the New Testament and should therefore command the interest of every earnest seeker after truth.

On the evening of 21 September 1823, an angel appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The angel’s name was Moroni. He was the last of a long line of ancient prophets of two great civilizations who lived … on the American Continent centuries ago."

Taken from Deseret News: It said, "Joseph Smith saw a recorded 139 heavenly beings, according to "500 Little-Known Facts about Joseph Smith." A few of those visitors are listed below.

John the Baptist (D&C 13)
Adam, or Michael (D&C128:21; JD 9)
Abraham (HC, 2:380; D&C 27:10; JD 21:94)
Moses (D&C 110:11)
Noah (D&C 128:21; JD 21:94; Hyrum L. Andrus, "Joseph Smith, the Man and the Seer"
Cainan (HC, 3:338; D&C 107:53–57)
Abel (HC, 3:388; JD 18:325)
Alma the Younger (JD 27:374; Hyrum L. Andrus, "Joseph Smith, the Man and the Seer")
Mormon (JD 27:374; JD 17:374; Hyrum L. Andrus, "Joseph Smith, the Man and the Seer")
Lehi (JD 16:265–266; Brian L. Smith, "Joseph Smith and the Doctrinal Restoration: The Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium," 343)

The most singular evidence in support of Joseph Smith’s claim to being a spokesman for Almighty God was the publication of a scriptural record, the Book of Mormon.

There is a Book of Mormon challenge going on right now on Facebook. The goal is to read all of it from April 7th to June 30. Here is the link!

I encourage you to read the rest of the lesson...We couldn't get to it all. :) 

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