Sunday, June 21, 2015

Seek the Spirit in All You Do

We learned lesson #12 this week, and it can be found here: 12

How do we seek the spirit in all that we do?

Daily Scripture Study: take time to invite the spirit into your home through daily scripture study.
We cannot know God and Jesus without studying about them and then doing their will. This course leads to additional revealed knowledge which, if obeyed, will eventually lead us to further truths. If we follow this pattern, we will receive further light and joy, eventually leading into God’s presence, where we, with Him, will have a fullness.

Sincere Fasting and Prayer:
**Fasting: Do what you can. What your body can handle. Many physically cannot go without food due to many reasons, ei- medications, pregnancy, other health issues. Do what works for you. Fast from sweets or anything that will bring that spirit into your life.
One sister compared fasting to going to the Temple. Both are a process of purification and cleansing.

Our prayers must be offered in the same spirit and with the same fervor as were the prayers of Enos in the Book of Mormon. Most are familiar with that inspiring story, so I will not repeat the background. I only want to draw your attention to these words. Enos testified: “I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God, before I received a remission of my sins.” He clarified that wrestle with God. Note the fervor in his petition:
“My soul hungered.”
“I kneeled down before my Maker.”
“I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul.
“All day long did I cry unto him.”
Then Enos testified, “There came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. … Wherefore, my guilt was swept away.” When he inquired of the Lord how this had been accomplished, the Lord answered him: “Because of thy faith in Christ … thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Enos 1:2, 4–8; italics added.)
If you want to get the spirit of your office and calling … try fasting for a period. I don’t mean just missing one meal, then eating twice as much the next meal. I mean really fasting, and praying during that period. It will do more to give you the real spirit of your office and calling and permit the Spirit to operate through you than anything I know.
Strive to Have the Holy Ghost:
We have been taught that the Spirit will not dwell in unclean tabernacles [see Helaman 4:24]. Therefore, one of our first priorities is to make sure our own personal lives are in order.

We have been promised the Holy Ghost will be with us at all times, in all places and in all things if we strive to do what is right. Obedience is the key to having the Holy Ghost with us.

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