Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lesson #3: Plan of Salvation

Today's lesson was given by Karlene Welker. She subbed for Rachelle Bosh and did a marvelous job teaching. I can see why her calling is to teach the 14/15 year old Sunday school class.

She gave the analogy of a pit. She said that in life, we are all in a pit. She can not go over and pull her daughter out of her pit, because she is in her own pit. We can not help another out of their pit, the only way out is to have Heavenly Father build us a ladder. The ladder used to get us out of the pit will be forged with our Savior's blood. He will forge our ladder, one rung at a time out of repentance and his blood.

Heavenly Father has not asked us to save anyone. He has asked us to serve and help.

Everyone struggles. "Normal" people struggle and have problems.

Sister Welker also shared this video with us:
She left us with this thought from President Thomas S. Monson

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