Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Chapter 10, Our Search for Truth

Opening Song: page 272 Oh Say, What is Truth?
Lesson from the Teachings of the President: Our Search for Truth

President Smith was THIRSTY for gospel knowledge. By the time he was ten years old, he had read the Book of Mormon twice. He read anything he could get his hands on such as the standard works and all the church manuals. He had a gift of comprehension, analyzing, and comprehending. He also received great blessings from studying the scriptures such as: strength, love of God and his work, love of all mankind, and knowledge.

Sister Bosh then split us up in groups by the questions that she gave us. Then we discussed the questions. I will be putting some of the questions next and then adding some of her notes from the lesson plus some wise words from President Smith.

1. What blessings have you noticed as you have studied the gospel?

President Smith said, "So far as the philosophy and wisdom of the world are concerned, they mean nothing unless they conform to the revealed word of God. Any doctrine, whether it comes in the name of religion, science, philosophy, or whatever it may be, if it is in conflict with the revealed word of the Lord, will fail. It may appear plausible. It may be put before you in language that appeals and which you may not be able to answer. It may appear to be established by evidence that you cannot controvert, but all you need to do is to abide your time. Time will level all things. You will find that every doctrine, every principle, no matter how universally believed, if it is not in accord with the divine word of the Lord to his servants, will perish. Nor is it necessary for us to try to stretch the word of the Lord in a vain attempt to make it conform to these theories and teachings. The word of the Lord shall not pass away unfulfilled, but these false doctrines and theories will all fail. Truth, and only truth, will remain when all else has perished. "

2. What can we learn about the balance between secular and spiritual learning?

We should learn something new everyday. The Lord created us with inquiring minds and we should seek the truth. President Smith said,   "You all have inquiring minds and are seeking truth in many fields. I sincerely hope your greatest search is in the realm of spiritual things, because it is there that we are able to gain salvation and make the progress that leads to eternal life in our Father’s kingdom."

3. How can we help family members and others give priority to spiritual knowledge so they can pursue educational goals?

President Smith said, "We have been commanded to study the commandments he has given us in the Doctrine and Covenants, in the Book of Mormon and in all the scriptures, with the promise that “Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.” [D&C 130:18–19.]"

4. What can you do to improve your study of the scriptures?

Six Tips for Successful Scripture Study by Afton Nelson
1. Pray and seek the spirit
2. Look at the maps
3. Look for lists
4. Look for patterns and repititions
5. Look for commandments and promised blessings
6. Look for personal application

5. How can we share the teachings of living prophets with our families and others?

President Smith said, "We sometimes hear the complaint, “I haven’t time.” But we all have time to read and study which is our solemn duty. Can we not arrange to find at least fifteen minutes in each day to devote to systematic reading and reflection? This would be but a trifling amount of time, yet it would be one hour and forty-five minutes in a week; seven and one-half hours in a month of thirty days, and ninety-one hours and a quarter in the year. …"

6. What does it mean to "treasure" up the word of the Lord?

President Smith said, "Treasuring up his word is far more than merely reading it. To treasure it one must not only read and study, but seek in humility and obedience to do the commandments given, and gain the inspiration which the Holy Spirit will impart."

Closing Song: As I Search the Holy Scriptures

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