Monday, August 4, 2014


Neither Angie nor I were in our ward yesterday, so we can not recap the lesson for you. I don't want to leave all you sisters hanging with nothing to read, so I thought I would give you some inspiration for Family Home Evening tonight or next week or whenever.
Just ask a few simple questions:
You can have an FHE on Love or Service. Here is a link for one already planned out!
How about a lesson for little kids on Lying. Sometimes little kids are not 100% sure what a lie is, use this to help the kids understand what a lie is:
Reintroduce the kids to the story of Samuel the Lamanite:
Or, for those with the older kids, do a little quiz. Can they tell you who is being quoted?
Have a great FHE tonight all! Remember, the most important thing about FHE is that you are spending time together with your family. Not every FHE has to be super deep and spiritual, sometimes it is just great to be doing something as a family. So, go out there and make a memory!!

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