Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Chapter 14: The Gift of the Holy Ghost

Opening Song: Hymn 302, "I Know My Father Lives"

Lesson:  Chapter 14: The Gift of the Holy Ghost

Section 1:The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bear witness of the Father and the Son and of all truth.

The instructor each gave us a phrase that would help us understand the characteristics of the Holy Ghost. Then each sister went up to the board and put it under the the correct Godhead.

I love how the sisters discussed that the Holy Spirit speaks to us in our own personal language.

Section 2: The Holy Ghost manifests the truth to honest people everywhere.

Read the story of Cornelius in Acts 10
President Smith said, "There is no need for anyone to remain in darkness; the light of the everlasting gospel is here; and every sincere investigator on earth can gain a personal witness from the Holy Spirit of the truth and divine nature of the Lord’s work.

Every man can receive a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, even when he is out of the Church, if he is earnestly seeking for the light and for the truth. The Holy Ghost will come and give the man the testimony he is seeking, and then withdraw."

Section 3: Following baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost is given by the laying on of hands.

President Smith said, "You cannot get the gift of the Holy Ghost by praying for it, by paying your tithing, by keeping the Word of Wisdom—not even by being baptized in water for the remission of sins. You must complete that baptism with the baptism of the Spirit. The Prophet said on one occasion that you might as well baptize a bag of sand as not confirm a man and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost, by the laying on of hands. You cannot get it any other way.
I believe in the doctrine of laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, by which we are brought into communion with our Father in heaven and learn of His ways, that we may walk in His paths."

Section 4: Through the gift of the Holy Ghost, members of the Church can have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion.
Elder Bednar made an awesome observation about our relationship with the Holy Ghost . It comes from his book "Increase In Learning."

"...we repeatedly emphasize the importance of recognizing the inspiration and promptings we receive from the Spirit of the Lord. And such an approach is correct and useful. We should seek diligently to recognize and respond to promptings as they come to us. However, an important aspect...may frequently be overlooked in our spiritual development."

"We should also endeavor to discern when we “withdraw [ourselves] from the Spirit of the Lord...”

"...If something we think, see, hear, or do distances us from the Holy Ghost, then we should stop thinking, seeing, hearing, or doing that thing."

Section 5:The companionship of the Holy Ghost is available only to those who prepare themselves to receive it.

President Smith said, "It is my judgment that there are many members of this Church who have been baptized for the remission of their sins, and who have had hands laid upon their heads for the gift of the Holy Ghost, but who have never received that gift—that is, the manifestations of it. Why? Because they have never put themselves in order to receive these manifestations. They have never humbled themselves. They have never taken the steps that would prepare them for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, they go through life without that knowledge; they are lacking in understanding. When those who are cunning and crafty in their deceit come to them criticizing the authorities of the Church and the doctrines of the Church, these weak members do not have understanding enough, information enough, and enough of the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord to resist false doctrines and teachings. They listen and think that perhaps they have made a mistake, and the first thing you know they find their way out of the Church, because they do not have understanding ."

Section 6: As we remain faithful, the Holy Ghost will give us revelations to lead and direct us throughout our lives.

But, President Smith said, "The Lord has made the promise to all who will repent and remain faithful, exercising a spirit of humility and diligence, that they will be entitled to the guidance of the Spirit of God. This Spirit will lead them and direct them throughout their lives.

It is the privilege of every member of the Church to know the truth, to speak by the truth, to have the inspiration of the Holy Ghost; it is our privilege, individually, … to receive the light and to walk in the light; and if we continue in God, that is, keep all of His commandments, we shall receive more light until eventually there shall come to us the perfect day of knowledge. "
Awesome scripture that was discussed: D & C 50:24.  Elder Bednar references this scripture in this Mormon message.

We can provide opportunities for our children to feel the spirit and recognize the guidance of the Holy Ghost? Here are some ways that can help our children feel the spirit.

Hold FHE, family scripture time, family prayer, sharing of testimonies, look for teachable moments, listen and talk with children about their own experiences.

Closing Song: Not enough time for a hymn...but here is one that fits the theme. Hymn 143, "Let the Holy Spirit Guide"

This lesson does not have to end here. Please post in the comments below how you have been blessed through the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Elder Bednar discusses the many ways that we can receive revelation. It is a must see if you have not already. :)  

1 comment:

  1. Heber C. Kimball said, "Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If not, how can you stand?" I know this refers to our testimonies. Without the Holy Ghost providing witness to me, I would not be here where I am today. I am thankful every day for missionaries that sacrifice their time and my best friend that introduced the church to me. I am thankful for that first time feeling the Holy Ghost, knowing that the church is true and the witness that it bore to me. Something that I will never ever forget!
