Sunday, November 16, 2014

Chapter 21 Proclaiming the gospel

Opening Song: Primary song 172
Lesson 21: Proclaiming the gospel

President Joseph Fielding Smith was shortly called before his one year wedding anniversary.  In the manual, it says, "Joseph Fielding Smith and his wife, Louie, were not surprised when they received a letter, signed by President Lorenzo Snow, calling Joseph to serve a full-time mission. In those early days of the Church, married men often served away from home. So when that letter arrived on March 17, 1899, about a month before their first wedding anniversary, Joseph and Louie accepted the opportunity with faith and courage, mixed with sadness at the thought of being separated for two years."

During his mission, he was discouraged by all of his work and having only one baptism. He and other missionaries gave out 10,000 pamphlets and visited about 4,000 homes.  President Smith was "unable to see many results of his labors, he found comfort in knowing that he was doing the Lord’s will and that he was helping prepare people who might receive the gospel later in their lives." He even returned 70 years as the president of the church to preside over a meeting. He rejoiced in the numbers of wards and stakes. Missionary work there was happening and still continues.

In 1st Nephi 13: 41-42, it says, "41 And they must come according to the words which shall be established by the mouth of the Lamb; and the words of the Lamb shall be made known in the records of thy seed, as well as in the records of the twelve apostles of the Lamb; wherefore they both shall be established in one; for there is one God and one Shepherd over all the earth.
 42 And the time cometh that he shall manifest himself unto all nations, both unto the Jews and also unto the Gentiles; and after he has manifested himself unto the Jews and also unto the Gentiles, then he shall manifest himself unto the Gentiles and also unto the Jews, and the last shall be first, and the first shall be last."

In the manual, it says, "The gospel is for all people, and the Lord expects those who receive it to live its truths and to offer them to those of their own nation and tongue. And so now, in the spirit of love and brotherhood, we invite all men everywhere to give heed to the words of eternal life revealed in this day through the Prophet Joseph Smith and his associates.

It is our duty and responsibility to be a missionary. Everyone deserves the gospel and its goodness--no matter what.

Sister R. challenged us to post something good on #sharegoodness. It is the different social media outlets. Visit here to find more information.  Social media gives us a way to share simple
messages of goodness and truth. You can be a positive force and when that happens it will change those around you in a positive way.

It is our obligation to share with our neighbors. Come together for a good cause. Even if your neighbor is not LDS, common ground can be found through Jesus or through service. There are other Christians rising forth as well for the common good. It can be good to get out of our LDS bubble and have confidence in our beliefs.

President Smith said, "I am not unmindful that there are good and devout people among all sects, parties, and denominations, and they will be blessed and rewarded for all the good they do. But the fact remains that we alone have the fullness of those laws and ordinances which prepare men for the fullness of reward in the mansions above. And so we say to the good and noble, the upright and devout people everywhere: Keep all the good you have; cleave unto every true principle which is now yours; but come and partake of the further light and knowledge which that God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever is again pouring out upon his people."

President Smith said, "Now we are willing that other movements in this direction should go on. We are in favor of all that will bring peace unto the world; but let us not lose sight of the fact that we, Latter-day Saints, if we will band together, and stand as one serving the Lord and will send forth the word of eternal life among the nations, will have greater power, in my judgment, for the establishment of peace in the world than any other force."
As we sang the primary song for our opening hymn, Sister R. wanted to know our thoughts. Here are a couple thoughts from other sisters:

* teach children about missionary work
* the greatest missionary work can be done within the walls of our own home.
* valiant, young wanting to protect and our youth are like that

It is important that we band together and serve the Lord. There could be someone that we come into contact with that could be impacted by our influence. 

President Smith also said, "There is an influence that radiates not only from the individual but from the Church. I believe that our success in the world depends largely upon the attitude of the Saints. If we were united wholly, in thought, in deed, in our actions; if we loved the word of truth, if we walked in it as the Lord would have us do, then there would radiate from this community, from [congregations] of the Latter-day Saints in all of these communities, out into all the world, an influence that would be irresistible. More honest men and women would be converted, for the Spirit of the Lord would go before us to prepare the way. … If they, this people, would keep the commandments of the Lord it would be a force and a power and influence that would break down opposition and would prepare people to receive the light of the everlasting Gospel; and when we fail to do it we take upon ourselves a responsibility that is dreadful in its consequences."

We are being watched by what we wear, eat, drink, watch, and say.  That is why it is important to "live it" without sacrificing what you know.We need to band together.  This reminds me of Ann Dibb's conference talk a couple years ago. Here is the link if you would like to listen to it again.

Closing Hymn 270

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