Sunday, November 9, 2014

One Sisters take

Today was a wonderful lesson. I enjoyed being a part of Relief Society. While I made no comments, the lesson evoked a lot of thoughts in me. I made me really think.

Sister Michelle Gordon put her thoughts of today's lesson on facebook and she did such a remarkable job, I am just going to steal her words. Thanks Michelle!

Today was a wonderful day. I was able to make it to part of Sunday School and we have a great lesson with good class participation.
Our relief society lesson was phenomenal. Sister Rolfe taught the lesson. She shared a pic of a man and asked what we thought about it. The funny thing is I really couldn't grasp what she was asking. I really just saw a man. But I could hear whispers I heard words like determined, son, hard, teddy bear, hope, etc. The interesting thing was by hearing others words, I began to see it. Then my mind started to see more and more. It made me think how interesting it was that I would see what others saw. I realized that I can change HOW I see things around me.
I thought of the saying: if we treat people merely as they are they will stay as they are. When we treat them as if they are what they could be they will become what they could be. She solicited others thoughts and we heard the variety of descriptions. She shared with us that this was her son. A son whom she loves very much. A son who is filled with incredible love and kindness. A son who like each of us has flaws. Who has made mistakes. Who has physical signs of past choices.
As his mom she is well aware of his choices and situations. She loves him. All of him. She sees the acts of service. And the kindness. She told of a time when he was shown kindness and what that has meant to him and how that means everything years later.
She shared stories of prophets showing incredible kindness to individuals. She talked about how wonderful it must have made the recipient of these acts feel. I, of course, wondered why. Why would they do it? (I know, but my mind still had to ask)
I thought of times when I've been so low. What are some of the cries of my heart? What makes me happy? I realized that one of the things that brings such incredible joy to me, is a time when I am needed. A time when I can be an answer to someone's prayer.
She told of a sister who always seemed to see the best in her. She said she was "loved back into the gospel." In spite of past mistakes or shortcomings she felt hope. Because of the hope she had courage to make changes.
It was a very beautiful inspiring lesson. Sis Rolfe if you read this, please know that you touched my heart and inspired me to be better. To see better in myself and see better in those around me. You were brave to open your heart and share the way you did. Thank you!!

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