Today our beloved bishopric was released from their duties and allowed to return to their families!
Bishop Lasher, Brother Wiseman and Brother Taylor have served our ward and families selflessly. They gave of their time, talents, and love to watch over and guide our ward. We will miss them as a bishopric but look forward to welcoming in our new bishopric.
Brother Matt Bryant has been called as bishop
Brother Kim Cannon has been called as 1st counsilor
Brother Ben Perrenoud has been called as 2nd councelor
We are grateful to these brethren for being willing to accept the call of the Lord and serve our ward.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Ice Cream Social
Our relief society will be having an ice cream social on Wednesday April 2nd at Angie I's house!!
We will be playing a fun game to get to know each other a little bit better while filling our selves with ice cream.
It will be from 7-9 and we ask that you bring your favorite ice cream topping.
See you all Wednesday.
We will be playing a fun game to get to know each other a little bit better while filling our selves with ice cream.
It will be from 7-9 and we ask that you bring your favorite ice cream topping.
See you all Wednesday.
General Women's Meeting
Last night was the General Women's meeting for the church. What a wonderful and uplifting meeting it was. Personally, I loved the opportunity to be able to attend it with my lovely daughter.
The Music is what really struck me the most. I loved how there was more music in the meeting than usual and how I felt during it. I loved the new song that was introduced in the session.
This is what I got out of the meeting:
"There is no age barrier when it comes to Christ like service."
Sister Marjorie Paye Hinckley was quoted: (my take on the quote) Women need Women!
Henry B. Eyring talked about how is mom always saw the great potential in him. He said how much more potential does our Heavenly Father see in us. He also said that Heavenly Father smiles at you everytime he sees you help a daughter of God on the path of life and when you choose the right.
If you didn't get to view the meeting, you can do so here:
For those of you who did listen/watch it, PLEASE comment and let us know what you got out of the meeting and how it touched you.
Mary Lasher posted this on facebook:
The Music is what really struck me the most. I loved how there was more music in the meeting than usual and how I felt during it. I loved the new song that was introduced in the session.
This is what I got out of the meeting:
"There is no age barrier when it comes to Christ like service."
Sister Marjorie Paye Hinckley was quoted: (my take on the quote) Women need Women!
Henry B. Eyring talked about how is mom always saw the great potential in him. He said how much more potential does our Heavenly Father see in us. He also said that Heavenly Father smiles at you everytime he sees you help a daughter of God on the path of life and when you choose the right.
If you didn't get to view the meeting, you can do so here:
For those of you who did listen/watch it, PLEASE comment and let us know what you got out of the meeting and how it touched you.
Mary Lasher posted this on facebook:
Oh my! I got to attend the Women's Meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest gathering of women in our church in its history. What a spiritual feast!! I am so filled to overflowing with gratitude that I know I am a literal spirit daughter of God. I have a purpose. Women are different than men, neither is better than the other, we need each other and we have different ...and wonderful things to do in this life! So grateful we get to meet together as women in the church from the youngest to oldest member to rejoice in truth and stand strong and immovable in the happiness and peace that comes from following Jesus Christ and from making and keeping covenants with our Heavenly Father! What a tremendous gift. —
feeling grateful.
Comment and share with your sisters what you learned from our leaders.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
One of my home school friends introduced me to the following
acronym earlier this year and I fell in love with it.
God has told us that our earthly existence is about having joy (2
Nephi 2:25). The world teaches us that to achieve joy, we must focus on ourselves,
but Jesus has taught that “whosoever will lose his life in this world, for my
sake, shall find it in the world to come.” (JST Matthew 16:28)
Regarding this verse, President Kimball has
taught, "…the more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more significant individuals as we serve others. We become more substantive as we serve others—indeed, it is easier to “find” ourselves because there is so much more of us to find! (“Small Acts of Service”, Ensign, Dec
My father taught me that the law of the tithe not only applied to
my money but also to my time and my talents. President Heber J. Grant once
taught, “I bear witness—and I know that the witness I bear is true—that the men and the women who have been absolutely honest with God, who have paid their tithing, … God has given them wisdom whereby they have been able to utilize the remaining nine-tenths, and it has been of greater value to them, and they have accomplished more with it than they would if they had not been honest with the Lord” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1912, p.30).
I know this tithing promise applies to our time as well. When we
put Jesus and others first, miracles happen and we are always able to get the
important things in life accomplished. As President Benson has taught,
“When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives.”
(Ezra Taft Benson, “The Great commandment – Love the Lord, Ensign,
May 1988)
I know that that this equation of putting Jesus and others first
works and that it will pay big dividends in this life and in the life to come!
~~Paula Taylor
Want to comment on how YOU have JOY? I know that you do.....
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Trek Meeting
There will be a Martin's Cove Parent/Adult meeting TONIGHT the 23rd
from 6:00-7:00 in the Relief Society Room. This is for parents of
youth attending trek and for adults who plan on attending trek. He also said for anyone that wanted to go. We just
want to update you on the planning and preparation that is needed.
There will be time for Q&A.
It will be at least 45 minutes and is a portrayal of women of the Bible. It is free to the public and will be well worth our time to attend.
General Woman's Conference
March 29th, 6:00 pm. This year, all girls 8 and older are invited! Bring your daughter(s) for a spiritual night.
Visiting Teaching
Our Presidency would like to encourage us to do our visiting teaching!!
In an effort to increase our wards visiting teaching, and with the
support of the Stake Relief Society presidency, our presidency is going
to be giving out reminders.
You can get a reminder via text, email, or phone call. A sign up sheet went around today for which method you would like to receive your email, please; if you did not see this sign up, let someone in the presidency know.
Mid month in April, we will hear from our district supervisor to let us know the best way to contact her.
You can get a reminder via text, email, or phone call. A sign up sheet went around today for which method you would like to receive your email, please; if you did not see this sign up, let someone in the presidency know.
Mid month in April, we will hear from our district supervisor to let us know the best way to contact her.
March's Food Storage: BEANS and WATER!!
How much: 60 lbs of legumes per person; 28 gal of water per person (2 gal per dayfor 2 weeks)
Legume options to store: Dried beans, split peas, lentils
Water storage options: PETE bottles, 2 liter soda bottles, water barrels/containers
Contact Amy Taylor with any questions.
No Other Gods
Opening Song, pg 81 "Press Forward, Saints"
Source: Elder Dallin H. Oaks talk from October 2013 general conference
Sista Neilson said that there might a time in our lives where we might stand alone. We might have to put our standards above others.
She discussed the commandments that Elder Oaks mentioned in his talk: 1. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing. Thus we offend God when we “serve” other gods—when we have other first priorities. Some of these priorities are in stated in his talk, they are: cultural and family traditions, political correctness, career aspirations, material possessions, recreational pursuits,and power, prominence, and prestige.
Think about what your ultimate priority is. The principle is not whether we have other priorities. The question posed by the second commandment is “What is our ultimate priority?” Have we forgotten to follow the Savior who taught that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments? If so, our priorities have been turned upside down by the spiritual apathy and undisciplined appetites so common in our day.
For Latter-day Saints, God’s commandments are based on and inseparable from God’s plan for His children—the great plan of salvation. This plan, sometimes called the “great plan of happiness" explains our origin and destiny as children of God—where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. The plan of salvation explains the purpose of creation and the conditions of mortality, including God’s commandments, the need for a Savior, and the vital role of mortal and eternal families. If we Latter-day Saints, who have been given this knowledge, do not establish our priorities in accord with this plan, we are in danger of serving other gods..”
This is where I, Sister Ingram, take you in my mind on a sidetrack from the lesson. Last month, I had the opportunity to hear Sister Oaks speak and then we were able to listen to Elder Oaks thoughts as well. He talked about the importance of DESIRE. When he was younger, he was teaching a man on the plan of salvation. Elder Oaks discussed the degrees of glory. He started with the lowest kingdom first and the man stopped him and said that he heard enough. That kingdom was good enough for him and he didn't need to hear anymore. Elder Oaks then said that the world is full of people with no desire for the celestial kingdom. HE then said that you need to have a good relationship with those that have the desire to be in the celestial kingdom or have exaltation. This plan of salvation does not require us to have perfection but the only way we can achieve it is if we desire it. For in Doctrine and Covenants 137:9, it says, "For I, the Lord, will ajudge all men according to their bworks, according to the cdesire of their hearts."
Then as he closed his thoughts, he said with a surety, "God knows you and HE loves you. You are doing his work in his church." What power surged through my veins! Heavenly Father LOVES me and KNOWS me! Nothing in this world mattered to me at that moment than those words because I NEEDED to hear them and just as you NEED to hear them now. Now, back to the lesson....
A volunteer read: In this determination we may be misunderstood, and we may incur accusations of bigotry, suffer discrimination, or have to withstand invasions of our free exercise of religion. If so, I think we should remember our first priority—to serve God—and, like our pioneer predecessors, push our personal handcarts forward with the same fortitude they exhibited.
A teaching of President Thomas S. Monson applies to this circumstance. At this conference 27 years ago, he boldly declared: “Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. Courage becomes a living and an attractive virtue when it is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but as the determination to live decently. A moral coward is one who is afraid to do what he thinks is right because others will disapprove or laugh. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well.”11
We must not set our hearts so much on the things of the world and aspire to the honors of men (see D&C 121:35) that we stop trying to achieve our eternal destiny. We who know God’s plan for His children—we who have made covenants to participate in it—have a clear responsibility. We must never deviate from our paramount desire, which is to achieve eternal life.12 We must never dilute our first priority—to have no other gods and to serve no other priorities ahead of God the Father and His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Closing Hymn: pg 100
Source: Elder Dallin H. Oaks talk from October 2013 general conference
Sister Neilson discussed Elder Oaks talk from the 2013 conference as well as Brother Taylor in our sacrament meeting.She introduced the talk by showing this Mormon message. That Mormon message derives from President Monson's talk. Here is the LINK.
She discussed the commandments that Elder Oaks mentioned in his talk: 1. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing. Thus we offend God when we “serve” other gods—when we have other first priorities. Some of these priorities are in stated in his talk, they are: cultural and family traditions, political correctness, career aspirations, material possessions, recreational pursuits,and power, prominence, and prestige.
Think about what your ultimate priority is. The principle is not whether we have other priorities. The question posed by the second commandment is “What is our ultimate priority?” Have we forgotten to follow the Savior who taught that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments? If so, our priorities have been turned upside down by the spiritual apathy and undisciplined appetites so common in our day.
For Latter-day Saints, God’s commandments are based on and inseparable from God’s plan for His children—the great plan of salvation. This plan, sometimes called the “great plan of happiness" explains our origin and destiny as children of God—where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. The plan of salvation explains the purpose of creation and the conditions of mortality, including God’s commandments, the need for a Savior, and the vital role of mortal and eternal families. If we Latter-day Saints, who have been given this knowledge, do not establish our priorities in accord with this plan, we are in danger of serving other gods..”
This is where I, Sister Ingram, take you in my mind on a sidetrack from the lesson. Last month, I had the opportunity to hear Sister Oaks speak and then we were able to listen to Elder Oaks thoughts as well. He talked about the importance of DESIRE. When he was younger, he was teaching a man on the plan of salvation. Elder Oaks discussed the degrees of glory. He started with the lowest kingdom first and the man stopped him and said that he heard enough. That kingdom was good enough for him and he didn't need to hear anymore. Elder Oaks then said that the world is full of people with no desire for the celestial kingdom. HE then said that you need to have a good relationship with those that have the desire to be in the celestial kingdom or have exaltation. This plan of salvation does not require us to have perfection but the only way we can achieve it is if we desire it. For in Doctrine and Covenants 137:9, it says, "For I, the Lord, will ajudge all men according to their bworks, according to the cdesire of their hearts."
Then as he closed his thoughts, he said with a surety, "God knows you and HE loves you. You are doing his work in his church." What power surged through my veins! Heavenly Father LOVES me and KNOWS me! Nothing in this world mattered to me at that moment than those words because I NEEDED to hear them and just as you NEED to hear them now. Now, back to the lesson....
A volunteer read: In this determination we may be misunderstood, and we may incur accusations of bigotry, suffer discrimination, or have to withstand invasions of our free exercise of religion. If so, I think we should remember our first priority—to serve God—and, like our pioneer predecessors, push our personal handcarts forward with the same fortitude they exhibited.
A teaching of President Thomas S. Monson applies to this circumstance. At this conference 27 years ago, he boldly declared: “Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. Courage becomes a living and an attractive virtue when it is regarded not only as a willingness to die manfully, but as the determination to live decently. A moral coward is one who is afraid to do what he thinks is right because others will disapprove or laugh. Remember that all men have their fears, but those who face their fears with dignity have courage as well.”11
We must not set our hearts so much on the things of the world and aspire to the honors of men (see D&C 121:35) that we stop trying to achieve our eternal destiny. We who know God’s plan for His children—we who have made covenants to participate in it—have a clear responsibility. We must never deviate from our paramount desire, which is to achieve eternal life.12 We must never dilute our first priority—to have no other gods and to serve no other priorities ahead of God the Father and His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Closing Hymn: pg 100
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Strong foundation thought
Hello Wonderful Sisters of Rigby 10th,
I was sharing this thought with my students this week and I thought that I would share it with you because I know this is how I feel at times. I think it will help you through the week as it did me. I found an awesome scripture in the Book of Mormon, Helaman 5:12, it says,
“And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.”
I have found that when I am not in the best moods around my family or I feel stressed from work. That is when Satan preys on my heart. Now, I know that if I say my prayers, attend ALL my meetings, and surround my life with things that are of a heavenly nature, my foundation and my spirit are strong. If you live the gospel and love Heavenly Father, then the influences or challenges around you will falter as well. Have a great weekend!
~~Love Sis IngramI was sharing this thought with my students this week and I thought that I would share it with you because I know this is how I feel at times. I think it will help you through the week as it did me. I found an awesome scripture in the Book of Mormon, Helaman 5:12, it says,
“And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.”
I have found that when I am not in the best moods around my family or I feel stressed from work. That is when Satan preys on my heart. Now, I know that if I say my prayers, attend ALL my meetings, and surround my life with things that are of a heavenly nature, my foundation and my spirit are strong. If you live the gospel and love Heavenly Father, then the influences or challenges around you will falter as well. Have a great weekend!
P.S Did you know that you can comment right on our blog? I know you just want to comment right away. :)
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Stake Relief Society Birthday Celebration of Faith!
March 19, 2014 at 6:30
Come to be served a delicious dinner, and enjoy a delightful evening with everyone!
Please join us at the Stake Center. Dressy Casual.
One Truth - He Lives
There is a Fireside planned at BYU-Idaho that the general public has been invited to attend. It will be held in the Taylor chapel on Friday, March 28th at 7:00 pm and again on Saturday, March 29th at 1:00 pm. It will be at least 45 minutes and is a portrayal of women of the Bible. It is free to the public and will be well worth our time to attend.
General Woman's Conference
March 29th, 6:00 pm. This year, all girls 8 and older are invited! Bring your daughter(s) for a spiritual night.
Trek Meeting
There will be a Martin's Cove Parent/Adult meeting next Sunday, the 23rd from 6:00-7:00 in the Relief Society Room. This is for parents of youth attending trek and for adults who plan on attending trek. We just want to update you on the planning and preparation that is needed. There will be time for Q&A.
Visiting Teaching
Our Presidency would like to encourage us to do our visiting teaching!! In an effort to increase our wards visiting teaching, and with the support of the Stake Relief Society presidency, our presidency is going to be giving out reminders.
You can get a reminder via text, email, or phone call. A sign up sheet went around today for which method you would like to receive your email, please; if you did not see this sign up, let someone in the presidency know.
Mid month in April, we will hear from our district supervisor to let us know the best way to contact her.
You can get a reminder via text, email, or phone call. A sign up sheet went around today for which method you would like to receive your email, please; if you did not see this sign up, let someone in the presidency know.
Mid month in April, we will hear from our district supervisor to let us know the best way to contact her.
March's Food Storage: BEANS and WATER!!
How much: 60 lbs of legumes per person; 28 gal of water per person (2 gal per dayfor 2 weeks)
Legume options to store: Dried beans, split peas, lentils
Water storage options: PETE bottles, 2 liter soda bottles, water barrels/containers
Contact Amy Taylor with any questions.
Chapter 6
The Significance of the Sacrament
“The partaking of these emblems constitutes one of the most holy and sacred ordinances in the Church.”
Today our lesson was on the Sacrament and its importance in our lives.
Partaking of the Sacrament is the one ordinance that we do for ourselves, over and over again. Each week we are given the opportunity to take of the sacrament, renewing ourselves and our commitments.
One definition of Sacrament is: To make one Holy.
We need to decide how we prepare to partake of the sacrament and figure out the best way for us to put ourselves in a place spiritually that we can feel of the Saviors sacrifice for us.
In our ward, as so many others across the world, when someone is not able to make it to church, the priests in the ward will go to their home and give them the opportunity to partake of the sacrament. Having the sacrament in ones home is a very intimate way to take it. It can also be very intimate to partake of it in church, if we choose for it to be. It is just between us and the Lord.
Many of our ward sisters are still in the stage of life that include little children. This can make focusing on the sacrament difficult at times. We need to work on helping our children feel the sacredness of the sacrament. It was suggested to hold a FHE on the importance of it and stress to our children how important it is and how to behave during it.
Joseph Fielding Smith said: "It’s the duty of the members of the Church to walk humbly and faithfully in the knowledge and understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ. … I have the feeling, I’d like to be wrong but I don’t think I am, that a very, very large percentage of the members of the Church do not realize what it means to eat a little morsel of bread, drink a little cup of water in remembrance of the shedding of the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and his sacrifice upon the cross."
There are four very important things we covenant to do each time we partake of these emblems, and in partaking, there is the token that we subscribe fully to the obligations, and thus they become binding upon us. These are as follows:
3. We covenant that we will be willing to take upon us the name of the Son and always remember Him. In keeping this covenant we promise that we will be called by His name and never do anything that would bring shame or reproach upon that name.
Partaking of the Sacrament is the one ordinance that we do for ourselves, over and over again. Each week we are given the opportunity to take of the sacrament, renewing ourselves and our commitments.
One definition of Sacrament is: To make one Holy.
We need to decide how we prepare to partake of the sacrament and figure out the best way for us to put ourselves in a place spiritually that we can feel of the Saviors sacrifice for us.
In our ward, as so many others across the world, when someone is not able to make it to church, the priests in the ward will go to their home and give them the opportunity to partake of the sacrament. Having the sacrament in ones home is a very intimate way to take it. It can also be very intimate to partake of it in church, if we choose for it to be. It is just between us and the Lord.
Many of our ward sisters are still in the stage of life that include little children. This can make focusing on the sacrament difficult at times. We need to work on helping our children feel the sacredness of the sacrament. It was suggested to hold a FHE on the importance of it and stress to our children how important it is and how to behave during it.
Joseph Fielding Smith said: "It’s the duty of the members of the Church to walk humbly and faithfully in the knowledge and understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ. … I have the feeling, I’d like to be wrong but I don’t think I am, that a very, very large percentage of the members of the Church do not realize what it means to eat a little morsel of bread, drink a little cup of water in remembrance of the shedding of the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and his sacrifice upon the cross."
There are four very important things we covenant to do each time we partake of these emblems, and in partaking, there is the token that we subscribe fully to the obligations, and thus they become binding upon us. These are as follows:
1. We eat in remembrance of the body of Jesus Christ, promising that we will always remember His wounded body slain upon the cross.
2. We drink in remembrance of the blood which was shed for the sins of the world, which atoned for the transgression of Adam, and which frees us from our own sins on condition of our true repentance.
4. We covenant that we will keep His commandments which He has given us; not one commandment, but that we will be willing to “live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.” [D&C 84:44.]
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Welcome Home Aidan
Today over 100 people gathered to cheer on Aidan Lear as he returned from a hospital stay that lasted over 2 months. He was greeted with balloons, banners, cheers, applause and even tears as this courageous young man returned home. He still has a battle ahead of him, but hopefully he knows he has a whole lot of friends in his corner, rooting him on and praying for his success. He has helped to bring our ward together, forming a more cohesive unity. We have joined forces in prayer and fasting in hopes that we might make a difference in this boys life. He has taught us what it means to endure to the end and to do so without complaint. It is wonderful that his family can once again be reunited and be home together.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
The YW are still collecting recipes for the cook book at
Rigby East Stake Merit Badge Pow Wow, first three Tuesdays in March (4th, 11th, 18th). Complete the registrations at this LINK
The Eastern Idaho Family History Conference:
March 15, 2014, Madison high school in Rexburg. Early bird registration is $12.
For more information go to
Stake Relief Society Birthday Party on March 19th at 6:30 pm at the church.Dinner will be served. It is dressy casual which means nice pants and blouse. RSVP with Sister Wise so they can get a head count.
"One Truth--He Lives" on Friday, March 28th at 7:00 pm and again on Saturday, March 29th at 1:00 p.m. This last 45 minutes and is a portrayal of women of the Bible. It is at BYUI in the Taylor Chapel.
Saturday, March 29th General Women's Meeting: All women, young women, and girls eight years of age and older are invited to participate in the general women’s meeting on Saturday, March 29, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. mountain daylight time. Even though it is on television, I am going bring my daughter to the church and make it special for us. Are you in for it?
Wednesday, April 2nd from 7:00 to 8:30 ish. --Girls Night Out at Angie Ingram's house...Details to come.
Rigby East Stake Merit Badge Pow Wow, first three Tuesdays in March (4th, 11th, 18th). Complete the registrations at this LINK
The Eastern Idaho Family History Conference:
March 15, 2014, Madison high school in Rexburg. Early bird registration is $12.
For more information go to
Stake Relief Society Birthday Party on March 19th at 6:30 pm at the church.Dinner will be served. It is dressy casual which means nice pants and blouse. RSVP with Sister Wise so they can get a head count.
"One Truth--He Lives" on Friday, March 28th at 7:00 pm and again on Saturday, March 29th at 1:00 p.m. This last 45 minutes and is a portrayal of women of the Bible. It is at BYUI in the Taylor Chapel.
Saturday, March 29th General Women's Meeting: All women, young women, and girls eight years of age and older are invited to participate in the general women’s meeting on Saturday, March 29, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. mountain daylight time. Even though it is on television, I am going bring my daughter to the church and make it special for us. Are you in for it?
Wednesday, April 2nd from 7:00 to 8:30 ish. --Girls Night Out at Angie Ingram's house...Details to come.
Lesson 5: Faith and Repentance
Opening Song: "How Firm a Foundation"
Today's lesson was on faith and repentance. She did not get through the whole lesson due to time. Here is a link to it for you.
Sister Bosh read an excerpt from the beginning of the lesson and it says,
"Our faith is centered in the Lord Jesus Christ, and through him in the Father. We believe in Christ, accept him as the Son of God, and have taken his name upon us in the waters of baptism.8
Let it be
uppermost in your minds, now and at all times, that Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of the living God, who came into the world to lay down his life
that we might live. That is the truth, and is fundamental. Upon that
our faith is built. It can not be destroyed. We must adhere to this
teaching in spite of the teachings of the world, and the notions of men;
for this is paramount, this is essential to our salvation. The Lord
redeemed us with his blood, he gave us salvation, provided—and there is
this condition which we must not forget—that we will keep his
commandments, and always remember him. If we will do that then we shall
be saved, while the ideas and the foolishness of men, shall perish from
the earth.9
faith we come to God. If we did not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
if we had no faith in Him or in His atonement, we would not be inclined
to pay any heed to His commandments. It is because we have that faith
that we are brought into harmony with His truth and have a desire in our
hearts to serve Him. …"
You can't have faith in Jesus Christ without faith in our Heavenly Father. Sister Bosh had us discuss with each other on what it means to have faith in Jesus and Heavenly Father. After we discussed, here is what was shared:
1. Everything in our lives fit into place easier.
2. Faith governs our thoughts and actions
3. We need to know where our faith lies ---in ourselves or with the things of the world.
Then Sis Bosh shared the scripture: James 2:26, it says, "For as the body without the aspirit is bdead, so faith without cworks is dead also." Faith without work does not exist. Faith is a principle of action. It can't just happen.
In the manual, it states, "Faith cannot be obtained by inaction or
through indifference or passive belief. The mere desire to obtain faith
will not bring faith any more than the desire to be skilled in music or
painting will bring proficiency in these things without intelligent
action. There is where our trouble comes. We get a testimony of the
Gospel, we believe in Joseph Smith, we believe in Jesus Christ, we believe in the principles of the Gospel, but how hard are we working at them?"
She asked the question that a bishop in her old ward would ask. What are you doing to increase your faith? A couple sisters replied.
1. Strengthening through service
2. Finding faith in yourself as well to what is asked of us in our callings.
In other words, take a leap of faith.
We also can increase our faith through repentance. It takes faith to believe and to first take that step towards repentance. It is important to have humility as well in repentance. Not everyone is perfect. In the following scripture, King Benjamin teaches his people to understand what they must do to repent and how their souls will be filled with joy and peace once they repent. A peaceful conscience and a joyful heart sounds great, doesn't it? I know it does to me.
In Mosiah 4: 1-3, it says, " And now, it came to pass that when king Benjamin had made an end of speaking the words which had been delivered unto him by the aangel of the Lord, that he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and behold they had bfallen to the earth, for the cfear of the Lord had come upon them.
2 And they had aviewed themselves in their own bcarnal state, even cless than the dust of the earth. And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: O have mercy, and apply the datoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins, and our hearts may be epurified; for we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who fcreated heaven and earth, and all things; who shall come down among the children of men.
3 And
it came to pass that after they had spoken these words the Spirit of
the Lord came upon them, and they were filled with joy, having received a
aremission of their sins, and having peace of bconscience, because of the exceeding cfaith which they had in Jesus Christ who should come, according to the dwords which king Benjamin had spoken unto them."
President Smith raises a voice of warning. He calls upon us to repent so we can receive blessings of exaltation. He says, "I plead with the world to repent and believe the truth, to let the light
of Christ shine in their lives, to keep every good and true principle
they have, and to add to these the further light and knowledge that has
come by revelation in this day. I plead with them to join The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and reap the blessings of the gospel."
Sister Bosh closed with saying that we need to have a soft loving heart in repentance instead of a hardened heart. Let go of things that are not good for your soul.
Please reflect on the following: When have you felt true repentance?
Closing Song: "Be Still, My Soul"
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