Sunday, March 30, 2014

General Women's Meeting

Last night was the General Women's meeting for the church. What a wonderful and uplifting meeting it was. Personally, I loved the opportunity to be able to attend it with my lovely daughter.

The Music is what really struck me the most. I loved how there was more music in the meeting than usual and how I felt during it. I loved the new song that was introduced in the session.

This is what I got out of the meeting:

"There is no age barrier when it comes to Christ like service."

Sister Marjorie Paye Hinckley was quoted: (my take on the quote) Women need Women!
Henry B. Eyring talked about how is mom always saw the great potential in him. He said how much more potential does our Heavenly Father see in us. He also said that Heavenly Father smiles at you everytime he sees you help a daughter of God on the path of life and when you choose the right.

If you didn't get to view the meeting, you can do so here:

For those of you who did listen/watch it, PLEASE comment and let us know what you got out of the meeting and how it touched you.

Mary Lasher posted this on facebook:
Oh my! I got to attend the Women's Meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest gathering of women in our church in its history. What a spiritual feast!! I am so filled to overflowing with gratitude that I know I am a literal spirit daughter of God. I have a purpose. Women are different than men, neither is better than the other, we need each other and we have different ...and wonderful things to do in this life! So grateful we get to meet together as women in the church from the youngest to oldest member to rejoice in truth and stand strong and immovable in the happiness and peace that comes from following Jesus Christ and from making and keeping covenants with our Heavenly Father! What a tremendous gift.feeling grateful.
Comment and share with your sisters what you learned from our leaders.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sisters,

    I agree with Missy about the music. I am moved by music and last night I could barely sing because I was filled with so many emotions. I loved being able to share those moments with my daughter as well. A couple of things stood out to me. I love how it was said that we need to look beyond our differences and age so we can show our Christlike love. AND...we need to love each other not only more but better. However, I don't know how to do that. The last thing that stood out to me is to step forward in righteousness in words and action. Then it felt so great to hear that it is okay that I am not complete or perfect and that we can walk as one. It was a perfect ending to a great day.
