Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chapter 6

The Significance of the Sacrament
“The partaking of these emblems constitutes one of the most holy and sacred ordinances in the Church.”
Today our lesson was on the Sacrament and its importance in our lives.

Partaking of the Sacrament is the one ordinance that we do for ourselves, over and over again. Each week we are given the opportunity to take of the sacrament, renewing ourselves and our commitments.

One definition of Sacrament is: To make one Holy.

We need to decide how we prepare to partake of the sacrament and figure out the best way for us to put ourselves in a place spiritually that we can feel of the Saviors sacrifice for us.

In our ward, as so many others across the world, when someone is not able to make it to church, the priests in the ward will go to their home and give them the opportunity to partake of the sacrament. Having the sacrament in ones home is a very intimate way to take it. It can also be very intimate to partake of it in church, if we choose for it to be. It is just between us and the Lord.

Many of our ward sisters are still in the stage of life that include little children. This can make focusing on the sacrament difficult at times. We need to work on helping our children feel the sacredness of the sacrament. It was suggested to hold a FHE on the importance of it and stress to our children how important it is and how to behave during it.

Joseph Fielding Smith said: "It’s the duty of the members of the Church to walk humbly and faithfully in the knowledge and understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ. … I have the feeling, I’d like to be wrong but I don’t think I am, that a very, very large percentage of the members of the Church do not realize what it means to eat a little morsel of bread, drink a little cup of water in remembrance of the shedding of the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and his sacrifice upon the cross."

There are four very important things we covenant to do each time we partake of these emblems, and in partaking, there is the token that we subscribe fully to the obligations, and thus they become binding upon us. These are as follows:

1. We eat in remembrance of the body of Jesus Christ, promising that we will always remember His wounded body slain upon the cross.
2. We drink in remembrance of the blood which was shed for the sins of the world, which atoned for the transgression of Adam, and which frees us from our own sins on condition of our true repentance.
3. We covenant that we will be willing to take upon us the name of the Son and always remember Him. In keeping this covenant we promise that we will be called by His name and never do anything that would bring shame or reproach upon that name.

4. We covenant that we will keep His commandments which He has given us; not one commandment, but that we will be willing to “live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God.” [D&C 84:44.]

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