Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2015 Sunday Lesson Schedule

January 4th      RS Presidency Lesson Choice- BECKIE

January 11th    Lesson #1- SERENA  “The Great Commandment- Love the Lord”

January 18th    Lesson #2- TONI  “Pray Always”

January 25th    Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA

                        Finding Lasting Peace & Building Eternal Families” - L. Tom. Perry

                        “Parents: the Prime Gospel Teachers of Their Children” - Tad R Callister

 Feb. 1st            RS Presidency Lesson Choice- HOLLY

 Feb. 8th            Lesson #3- SERENA  “Freedom of Choice, an Eternal Principle”

 Feb. 15t h                  Lesson #4- TONI  “Living Joyfully in Troubled Times”

 Feb. 22nd                  Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA

                         Are We not All Beggars?” - Jeffery R Holland

                         “The Law of the Fast: A personal Responsibility to Care for the Poor”

      - Dean M Davies

March 1st         RS Presidency Lesson Choice- NATALIE

 March 8th        Lesson #5- SERENA  “Principles of True Repentance”

 March 15th      Lesson #6-TONI  “Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Redeemer”

 March 22nd      Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA

                        Sustaining the Prophets” - Russell M Nelson

           “Live According to the Words of the Prophets” - Carol F McKonkie

March 29th      5th Sunday Instruction     Combined Relief Society/Priesthood

 April 5th           GENERAL CONFERENCE

 April 12th         Lesson #7- SERENA  “Joseph Smith, an Instrument in the hand of the Lord”

 April 19th                Lesson #8- TONI  “The Power of the Word”

 April 26th         STAKE CONFERENCE

 May 3rd           Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA

                        Lord is it I?” - President Uchtdorf

 May 10th         Lesson #9- SERENA  “The Book of Mormon- Keystone of our Religion”

 May 17th                  Lesson #10- TONI

                        “Flooding the Earth and Our Lives with The Book of Mormon”

 May 24th                  Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA  Guide Safely Home” - President Monson

 May 31st          5th Sunday Instruction  Combined Relief Society/Priesthood

 June 7th           RS Presidency Lesson Choice- BECKIE

 June 14th         Lesson #11- SERENA  “Follow the Living Prophet”

June 21st          Lesson 12- TONI   “Seek the Spirit in All You Do”

June 28th         Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA   TBD

July 5th            RS Presidency Lesson Choice- HOLLY

July 12th          Lesson #13- SERENA  “Priceless Blessings of the House of the Lord”

July 19th          Lesson #14- TONI   “Marriage and Family- Ordained of God”

July 26th          Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA   TBD

August 2nd       RS Presidency Lesson Choice- NATALIE

August 9th       Lesson #15- SERENA  “The Sacred Callings of Fathers and Mothers”

August 16th     Lesson #16- TONI  “The Elderly in the Church”

August 23rd     Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA  TBD

August 30th     5th Sunday Instruction   Combined Relief Society/Priesthood

Sept. 6th                    RS Presidency Lesson Choice- BECKIE

 Sept. 13th        Lesson #17- SERENA  “Keeping the Law of Chastity”

Sept. 20th        Lesson #18- TONI  “Beware of Pride”

Sept. 27th        Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA  TBD

Oct. 4th            GENERAL CONFERENCE

Oct. 11th          Lesson #19- SERENA  “Leadership”

 Oct. 18th          Lesson #20- TONI  “Feed My Sheep”

 Oct. 25th          STAKE CONFERENCE                                      

 Nov. 1st            Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA  TBD

 Nov. 8th           Lesson #21- SERENA  “Principles of Temporal and Spiritual Welfare”

Nov. 15th         Lesson #22- TONI  “Carrying the Gospel to the World”

Nov. 22nd         Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA  TBD

Nov. 29th         5th Sunday Instruction Combined Relief Society/Priesthood

Dec. 6th            RS Presidency Lesson Choice- HOLLY

Dec. 13th          Lesson #23- SERENA  “Strengthen Thy Stakes”

Dec. 20th          Lesson #24- TONI  “A Christ-Centered Life”

Dec. 27th          Bishop’s Choice Conference Talks- JANA  TBD

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