Thursday, February 19, 2015


I was visiting my inlaws this weekend and got to attend Relief Society in their ward. It was a wonderful lesson, but one part of it really stuck out to me.

The teacher said she was visiting her friend *Linda (name changed because I can't remember the real one!). Linda was a very happy person. Her friend asked her why she was so happy all the time, what her deal was.

Linda responded, "I have a secret. I probably shouldn't tell you, but I'm going to anyway. I am pretty sure I'm Heavenly Father's favorite!"

Sisters, I now ask you to ask yourself, do you feel like you are Heavenly Father's favorite? Do you even feel like one of his special ones?

I think our lives would be greatly improved if we all thought we were Heavenly Father's favorite. I think we would all strive to do better and be better.

Sisters, you are super special! Live life like you are his favorite! Love you all.

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