Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Hello sisters!

I have added the year's calendar for RS to the blog and also the Sunday Lesson schedule. To have quick access to these without having to scroll all through the blog, just look on the left for the section entitled 'labels'. Under that you will see the calendar and the schedule. Just click on which one you want and you can view it.

Hope this is helpful to all you sisters.

I hope you are having a fabulous day. It is my wish that each one of us could see ourselves as our Heavenly Father sees us. To have the self confidence and self image that we had when we were little.
I told my Daphne (2) this morning that she was beautiful. She said no, gorgeous! I said you're gorgeous and she said, yep.

Ladies, you are all gorgeous, especially to our father in heaven. It is my prayer that you each know that. Love ya!!

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