Saturday, March 21, 2015

Lesson 6

Opening Song: Hymn 92
Lesson 6

Read the Living Christ

Sister Lear was invited into share her sweet testimony of Jesus Christ. She knows that He loves her children, her, and all of them. She knows that her babies will be healed because of them and that she has to endure of this. Just love her strong spirit that she brought into the room. :)

President Benson’s testimony of the Savior revealed the personal closeness he felt with Him:
“With all my soul, I love Him. “I humbly testify that He is the same loving, compassionate Lord today as when He walked the dusty roads of Palestine. He is close to His servants on this earth. He cares about and loves each of us today. Of that you can be assured. He lives today as our Lord, our Master, our Savior, our Redeemer, and our God. God bless us all to believe in Him, to accept Him, to worship Him, to fully trust in Him, and to follow Him."

1. Because of His infinite love for us, Jesus Christ redeemed us from physical and spiritual death.

Jesus has had a great impact on this earth influencing us through His teachings. In the manual, it says, " We cannot conceive of our lives without His teachings. Without Him we would be lost in a mirage of beliefs and worships born in fear and darkness where the sensual and materialistic hold sway."

"Only Jesus Christ was able and willing to accomplish such a redeeming act of love. Jesus Christ … came to this earth at a fore-appointed time through a royal birthright that preserved His godhood. "

Through the atonement of Jesus Christ, he voluntarily took all of our sins upon Himself. Sister K read, "That holy, unselfish act of voluntarily taking on Himself the sins of all other men is the Atonement. How One could bear the sins for all is beyond the comprehension of mortal man. But this I know: He did take on Himself the sins of all and did so out of His infinite love for each of us. He has said: “For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; … which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink.”

2. Jesus Christ came forth from the tomb, and He lives today as a resurrected being.

The greatest events of history are those that affect the greatest number of people for the longest periods. By this standard, no event could be more important to individuals or nations than the resurrection of the Master.

President Benson testifies, "As one of His latter-day witnesses, I testify that He lives today. He is a resurrected Being. He is our Savior, our Lord, the very Son of God. I testify that He will come again as our glorified, resurrected Lord. That day is not far distant. To all who accept Him as Savior and Lord, His literal resurrection means that life does not end at death, for He promised: “Because I live, ye shall live also.”

3.We must be valiant in our testimony of Jesus Christ.

In the manual, it states, "A most priceless blessing available to every member of the Church is a testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ and His church. A testimony is one of the few possessions we may take with us when we leave this life."

4. Faith in Jesus Christ consists of relying completely on Him and following His teachings.

Sister K asked the question, "Why is faith in Him so necessary to peace of mind in this life and hope in the world to come?"

President Benson says, "My message and testimony is this: Only Jesus Christ is uniquely qualified to provide that hope, that confidence, and that strength we need to overcome the world and rise above our human failings. To do so, we must place our faith in Him and live by His laws and teachings"


"Faith in Jesus Christ consists of complete reliance on Him. As God, He has infinite power, intelligence, and love. There is no human problem beyond His capacity to solve. Because He descended below all things (see D&C 122:8), He knows how to help us rise above our daily difficulties."

5. We are most blessed and joyful when we strive to be like Jesus Christ.

This is my favorite part of the lesson. It says, "That [person] is greatest and most blessed and joyful whose life most closely approaches the pattern of the Christ. This has nothing to do with earthly wealth, power, or prestige. The only true test of greatness, blessedness, joyfulness is how close a life can come to being like the Master, Jesus Christ. He is the right way, the full truth, and the abundant life."

Closing Song: Hymn 86

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